Sunday, March 01, 2009

i got tagged!!!


1. -- i am dark & twisted... and i Like it... being dark & twisted... 
2. -- i have Lesbian/gay tendencies... 
3. -- i had an open heart surgery!
4. -- im a texter... fast texter! hehe
5. -- this is my favorite number!
6. -- i weigh Less than 100 lbs.
7. -- i easiLy get bored with my hair styLe... so, i get a hair cut whenever & however i feeL Like it... =D
8. -- im a certified chocohoLic! =D
9. -- im broke! =/
10. -- i bite! ^_^
11. -- im not good with "taLks"... unLess im confronting someone in a bad way, Like a fight-fight... =P
12. -- i don't cook... =P
13. -- vegetabLes can kiLL me... so i think...
14. -- i share a bed with my sister.. = }
15. -- im a junkie for redbuLL & coffee!
16. -- in highschooL::: my senior prom date was a freshman... =P
17. -- i have a thing for coLored pens... hehe
18. -- i wanna own a vespa!
19. -- im nearsighted...
20. -- i wanna ride a heLicopter...
21. -- i teLL peopLe i'm gonna fart before i actuaLLy fart... hahaha
22. -- im good in hiding... coz i hide aLot... for weird reasons... =P
23. -- im a heart breaker! hahaha
24. -- most often, i Like the feeLing of not being abLe to feeL... because then, im not feeLing anything at aLL... >_<
25. -- i want to become a surgeon... one of the best surgeons... (aim high, sky high!) haha

"i got tagged by my sister at facebook... but im not much of a facebook person anymore... so im writing it here... &&& im tagging peopLe as weLL! whoever gets tagged shouLd answer!!! =P or eLse!!!... hahaha you can cLick on "comment" after this post & write yours there... (having troubLe??? too bad, so sad! =P haha juz keeding! caLL me/txt me/emaiL me so i can heLp you...) oh! & don't forget to put your name on it... or anything (ur code name, ur porn star name, our secret name), whatever... as Long as there's something i can distinguish you with... if you've done this aLready, then you can just paste your answers here... aLso, i don't have a myspace, so don't even think of answering it there... coz what's the point of tagging you if im not gonna see your answer? right??? haha

SO... im tagging the foLLowing peopLe... ^_^
--> hon_uno, my bech = LaLa, siopao, Labs = quennie, my-secret-crush = mr. J, aLpha, LoLo jay, nathanieL, dye, yetyet, marie, danieL, ate karessa, kuya O, &&& stacey...


Anonymous said...

25 Random things about me =)

this is just a small piece of who i am...haha

1. -- i am meaner than most people really think
2. -- i have an abundance of RANDOM knowledge...haha
3. -- i had a hangover this morning...i feel better now
4. -- im a spontaneous person...
5. -- i am a sucker for anything 80s
6. -- i want to weigh less...but some say i look cute just the way i am...haha
7. -- i easiLy get bored with everything..ADD runs in my family
8. -- im a baker at heart =)
9. -- im still getting used to being unemployed
10. -- i like to playfight with everyone
11. -- im not good at remembering names
12. -- i don't do stuff that i don't think are right...
13. -- i love to experiment in the kitchen
14. -- i am in the guiness book of records...haha
15. -- i cannot resist cookies
16. -- i was super ghetto back in high school
17. -- i have a thing for Apples
18. -- i wanna own an Aston Martin Vanquish
19. -- i am the hero for damsels in distress
20. -- i wanna fly someday
21. -- i fart and observe how people react to it..haha
22. -- i am really into film...and taking pictures
23. -- i break my own heart before i break someone elses
24. -- i like the feeling of knowing that someone out there actually cares about me...
25. -- i want to become an Iron Chef...haha

Anonymous said...

25 Random things about me

1. My favorite number is 25! 5×5 is 25. How perfect is that?lol
2. I’m lazy. I’m not really proud of it but that’s me. Sometimes I’m known to be the greatest slacker in our office. People even kept on asking why I don’t have a girlfriend. My answer: I’m too lazy.
3. I love diving, swimming and snorkeling! Playing around with water is so much fun for me.
4. When I was in kindergarten, I always dreamed of becoming a pilot someday. Dream high! Flying high is literally high. lol
5. I love my mom and my sister. These two people are the most important girls in my life. Even though my mom seems very unreasonable, I still follow her advice. On the other hand, I treat my sister like a princess (which I think is a bad thing).
6. I’m a certified DotA addict. My addiction started 3 years ago and I’m enjoying it. You can find me playing in Blueskies Computer Cafe along Katipunan during the weekends.
7. I drink any kind of liquor. Beer, vodka, whiskey etc. Thanks for the training call center people.
I started watching porn when I was 14.
8. I used to be a Church worker. I was pretty much involved in the music ministry way back in high school. I also taught children in Sunday school when I was younger.
9. I have 4 impacted wisdom teeth (which all need surgical extractions).
10. I don’t give a fuck when people see me as a geek.
11. I want to work for Pixar as a multimedia artist… But that dream will be just a mere dream because 12. I’m stuck with seo, programming and web development.
13. I treat my office colleagues like my own family.
14. I’m an ex-hunk. T_T I want to go back to the gym and lift that 180 lbs on bench press.
15. I love Adobe products. Though I’m a fan of open source programs, I can’t create something nice without Photoshop and Illustrator.
16. I prefer Pony over Chuck tailors.
17. At the moment, I have a crush on Taylor Swift. When I saw her love story music video, my heart melted. lol
18. I’m a big fan of Japanese culture and art. Thanks to Japanorama for making a very informative video.
19. I love Japanese and Chinese food. I wish I could make my own sushi.
20. I recently discovered that girls who tease me that I’m a fag actually has a crush on me. Hohohoho
21. I find talking about shit stories funny especially during drinking sessions.
22. I seldom drink coffee. SO! If you will treat me in Starbucks, you know what I want.
23. When I listen to music, I really don’t care much about the lyrics/meaning of the song.
24. I’m more of a nocturnal person. Feels like insomia-aa-aah!
25. I’m impatient. I don’t want to wait. I want to do things as quickly as possible. I also tend to think of other ways to make things faster.

Anonymous said...

25 RaNdOm ThInGs AbOuT mE n_n

I. -> ::i have a tendency to be gullible:
II. -> ::im hard on the outside but soft on the inside...haha::
III. -> ::i ascend from a world of cows & sheep...haha::
IV. -> ::when i "dropped" a 14 year old to the ground::
V. -> ::im categorized as an OC-OC::
VI. -> ::i have a weakness for "apples & baneyneys"..haha::
VII. -> ::when i started playing with barbies..=P::
VIII. -> ::is my favorite number::
IX. -> ::i eat like there is no tomorrow.."charrup!"::
X. -> ::i love kids::
XI. -> ::i have colored hangers that correspond to my clothes =P ::
XII. -> ::im an only child::
XIII. -> ::i like to go for long walks::
XIV. -> ::i like to get lost::
XV. -> ::im a wanna-be cook::
XVI. -> ::i do the most random things::
XVII. -> ::im into the rough interpret it..haha::
XVIII. -> ::im counting the days till i get a Shelby GT500.."oRgAsMiC"..haha::
XIX. -> ::ive taken a semester of ballet..haha::
XX. -> ::is my present age::
XXI. -> ::ive been sober for almost 5 months::
XXII. -> ::i tend to spend on others rather on myself::
XXIII. -> ::i have an artistic side::
XXIV. -> ::im not easily angered::
XXV. -> ::im uber hard-headed >_<::

Anonymous said...

aww.. my lil cutie Krystle tagged me, muah! =)
responding to ur tag:

6. less than 100lbs? i think it's all the caffeine in ur diet that keeps ur metabolism high.. HYPER!!

7. totoo yan! dami nga hairstyles... pero gusto ko parin si Basha, hehehe!

15. see my reply for #6, HAHAHA!

16. omg! me too! and i was the one who asked her (freshman).

17. better keep it black or blue when it comes to documentation. alam ko peborit mo red, pero para sa mga teachers yan!

20. tell me if u ever wanna take a helicopter ride, may alam ko.. spending no more than $100 for 2 *wink*

21. omg! ur not serious! i bet u'd never *FART in front of me. LoL or at least tell me 1st before u do, BWAHAHAHA!

i still need time to do my 25, waaaahh! miss u guys in LB ((hugz))

Anonymous said...

jella's 25 cheparlu :D

1. im yats! payatots haha. i never weigh more dan 100lbs!!
2. i just watched eheads final set last nyt
3. i love window shopping ang shopping itself
4. i love green mangos w/ salt or bagoong w/ chili
5. sometimes im so kuripot sometimes im so the other way
6. i so hate heights...its f*ckin scary
7. i wanna buy pink mini laptop!:D
8. i feel crazy ryt now, i think im ok but not really. i duno!:D
9.i wana have ipod hahaha im so poor!:D
10. im wishin dt der will only be 4 days of work! and 3 days restday haha:D
11. i suck in drawing, dancing and singing hahaha actuali in everything nmn ata:D
12. i easily get kilig sa sweetness ng isang tao hahaha azar!
13. i love taking pictures hahaha
14. im a cry baby hahaha:D
15. i wana learn to drive but im f*ckin scared hahaha:D
16. i dont forget things easily
17. im impatient hahaha its one of d reasons my ex and i always fight!:D
18. im childish??:D
19. tanggera before hahaha:D
20. smoker now hahaha (pgstress?):D
21. i had 2 ex in highskul& 2 ex in college
22. in college iv been in the programs lister once! haha w/ an average of almost 93 i think
23. i graduated in elementary w/ honors hahaha (nasa top 10 lang):D
24. i wana watch u change my life again!:D
25. at the moment im very much missing my long lost friends (isa ka na dun hon) and my f*ckin ex :c