Monday, March 09, 2009

LiKE DEATH & TAXES... CHANGE is inevitabLe

--- i beLieve im doing the best i couLd,,, given the current situation...

--- im uber tired... from a Lot of things...

--- you'LL thank me tomorrow...

--- im not suicidaL... even if i say so... i mean, i don't see myseLf kiLLing myseLf... coz #1, that's a sin! &&& #2, im sooo great it wiLL be a waste to kiLL me! hahaha

--- i think that once they aLL know... it WiLL kick in... it WiLL become more reaL... &&& it WiLL make ME feeL things... in which, i think, im not ready yet... not ready to feeL things... (you know... coz i Like the feeLing of not being abLe to feeL coz then it feeLs great not feeLing anything... yeah...)

--- im thinking of going to disneyLand &&& sea worLd before the month of May comes... just because... 

--- "in Life, onLy one thing is certain, apart from death and taxes. no matter how hard you try, no matter how good your intentions, you are going to make mistakes. you're going to hurt peopLe. you're going to get hurt. and if you ever want to recover... there's reaLLy onLy one thing you can say..." {by Meredith}

--- change is coming... as my sister said - "i have news that when i teLL you, i want you to wet your pants in shock! bwahaha"

ps::: im Liking twitter... you guys shouLd create one & foLLow me... staLk me... hunt me.. shadow me... whatever! hahaha

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