Friday, December 15, 2006

i don't know. . .

how come a Lot of peopLe feeL it? how come most of the peopLe i know, has it or is feeLing it? am i that bad not to feeL it? i kept searching since the day i knew what "it" meant... stiLL, haven't got any answers... stiLL, haven't experienced it... why? i don't know...

my reading teacher Last monday read a book titLed "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs", i haven't heard nor read this book... i onLy know that the woLf was the BIG BAD woLf, period! it was a funny book, hiLarious even... a cup of sugar and a sneeze made the Three LittLe Pigs' story... maybe we're not used to hearing the other side of the story... maybe I AM not used to hearing the other side of the story... maybe some wouLd just want to stick with the one they grew up with... i don't know...

"i don't know"... is that a bad word? what does it reaLLy mean? how come when i say it, peopLe think it's a bad word? weird!!!

i've heard someone say im stubborn... i Looked it up in the dictionary and here's what it means: "unreasonably obstinate; obstinately unmoving:" now, what is obstinate? obstinate is: "not yielding to argument, persuasion, or entreaty." so, am i reaLLy stubborn? haha i don't know!

someone aLso toLd me im pretty... hihihi ^_^ i said thank you, then another someone said "don't beLieve him (the guy who said im pretty), because even he thinks pokwang is pretty!" hahaha Laughed my heart out that time, i aLmost cried because of Laughing... =D so what? at Least that day, even if i was feeLing stupid and irritated, someone said i was pretty... **giggLe**

Last sunday night, i gave my mom my code for my ATM card... she asked me why am i teLLing her, then i said: "you know, just in case God takes me tomorrow... at Least someone knows my pin#... and you couLd have aLL the money there, it's not a Lot but you can have it..." my mom Laughed so hard... funny! then i reaLized one more reason why i am stiLL aLive... and that is to make my mom happy! ^_^

right now, aLL i know is that i made a Lot of mistakes... im a human being! other than that, i don't know... guess, onLy few peopLe wiLL understand and wouLd reamain cLose to me... stiLL, i stand with what i beLieve in! ^_^ no matter what, no matter how...

oh yeah, it's my finaLs at schooL... started today and ending on next wednesday... prayers wouLd be reaLLy heLpfuL peopLe... and chocoLates too... ^_^ worLd pish!

Monday, December 04, 2006

bAnYo QuEeN

i'm totaLLy confused about a Lot of things... ok, maybe i got it aLL wrong... im unfair, seLfish, careLess, whatever! but who cares, it's my birthday tomorrow.. and i'm aLLowed to do this??? nah!!! i know i'm not! but yeah, at night when i think about aLL the stuffs that's happening, it's Like "in the end,,, it wiLL stiLL be my fauLt..." regardLess of what and how it happened... some wiLL stiLL see it as MY fauLt... why am i writing this? guess, i just don't care at aLL...Like my mom said, "the onLy thing that matters is your reLationship with God.. whatever other peopLe say and think..." even if i try to care what other peopLe say, i just don't feeL Like it! weLL, maybe somehow i get affected too.. but who cares, i have my famiLy with me, my best friends, and most of aLL GOD...

many peopLe may not understand the way i Live my Life, the way i do things or even the way i taLk.. but that's the BOMB baby! it's how i differ from other peopLe, it's where i say, "i am unique! take it or Leave it!"

oh yeah, i am pLanning on deLeting my friendster and myspace account... but i stiLL don't know, tomorrow's the deadLine for myseLf... wheeeee!!! i thought of how wiLL my Life be without friendster and myspace??? haha and besides, i can aLways make another one if i want to... however, i wiLL be keeping my emaiL accounts and this one (my worLd!)...

before i forget, you may be thinking why "bAnYo QuEen"? weLL, here's the thing.. in our smaLL humbLe home... and when i say smaLL, it's reaLLy smaLL.. did i say smaLL? yes, it smaLL but it's a home (not just a house)... =P i find peace at the bathroom! weird eh? but yes, i do! you know how it is, when someone's inside no one can go inside too.. you own the room even just for a few minutes... what am i doing? haha Let's not go in there.. ok?

so,,, once again it's my birthday tomorrow... another year added to my age... a year where i've Learned a Lot of things... a Lot of triaLs came in our way, but we survived! haha we're stiLL aLive and stiLL breathing... there's a Lot to be thankfuL for... and in this birthday of mine, i wish (besides worLd peace! hehe)... ooppss! i forgot, i can't teLL my wish.. sorry! haha =D

LastLy, to aLL ye peopLe out there.. worLd peace starts in your own bathroom! hihihi i know it doesn't connect, but yeah! it's my worLd, remember?

pasta = $20.00... saLmon = $15.00... chicken = $10.00...
my famiLy, my friends and Loved ones = PRICELESS!!! ^_^