Sunday, November 23, 2008

"wait for me i'm aLmost ready when he meant LET GO..." -sara bareiLLes

Current Mood: 30% = okay... 70% = ???

"have you ever feLt water just sitting at the edge of your eyes... you try berry hard not to Let it out, but its just there... & then, a LittLe bit Later, you Loose... not juz you Lost,,, but now, you can't stop it from faLLing down your face.. have you ever feLt that?"
--> don't say im emo... im juz asking... =P

"Lots of things happened in the past few days of my uber busy Life... good stuffs & some bad stuffs... so, it is reaLLy true - you can NEVER sLack off when your in the nursing program... coz if you do, bad stufss may happen & it wiLL bite your behind & it wiLL hurt! but that's not even the worst part yet... worst is,,, this "thing"... this "thing" that as much as possibLe, i don't want to taLk about.. but i know, sooner or Later it wiLL haunt me... this "thing" that makes me scarred... this "thing" that makes me think a Lot... &&& this "thing" makes water sit at the edge of my eyes..."
--> what wiLL happen if this "thing" happens... what if i...? what wouLd you...? wiLL you...?

"i've been Listening to this song since my sister introduced it to me... its berry deep! fave Line::: "wait for me i'm aLmost ready when he meant Let go..." *sigh* im scurred!"
--> i wiLL teLL you... soon... coz you deserve to know... juz be patient.. i wiLL teLL you... in my kind of soon soon...

"countdown wiLL start tomorrow... but im broke... im jobLess... which makes me sad... =/"
--> i need a job!

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