Thursday, October 23, 2008

this is the most unnaturaL, unearthLy, freaky, strange, bizarre, surreaL, crazy, wacky feeLing!

>>> i'm supposed to be studying right now but i can't... something's bothering me & i need to Let it out... i don't know who to taLk to, so i decided to bLog about it... &&& Let the whoLe worLd know! ha! what a smartee!!! hahaha

>>> see, i am ok!!! i am fine!!! the Nursing Program keeps me busy & i am fine!!! did i say im fine? yeah, im fine!!!!!!!!!!

untiL now... im stiLL ok though... im stiLL fine... ish juz that,,, i reaLized... "i miss you!"

hahahahahahahahahaha =D =D =D

>>> i dunno!

>>> i miss our friendship... our taLks... our conversations.. our "tawanan & kuLitan", our "chemistry"...

>>> u get me,,, i beLieve... &&& i get you,,, i think... in a weird, funny, hiLarious way... Like you know... sometimes when you're with a person or a friend... you may not taLk or say anything but you know that you both know what each other is thinking... then you Laugh! coz its hiLarious!

>>> i dunno!!! somehow, at this very moment, im wishing you'd caLL... but i know you won't & you wouLdn't.. because i chose this! & it is the right thing to do...

>>> it wiLL pass... this wiLL pass... fosho! i know it... been there, done that! a few breather wiLL do it... haha =D

~~~ oh FYi & for the record... i am sooooo NOT taLking about my two "best friends"... they are sooooo NOT this person!!! because even if they're the Last two peopLe on earth, i wouLdn't wish they'd caLL me. period. nuff said!

*** ooohhh!!! &&& happy birthday to me cuz = meLissa! Labshu!!! ^_^

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