Thursday, April 23, 2009

MY "TO DO" LiST...

i want to do Lots of things... especiaLLy right now that im not that busy... but sometimes (or most of the time),,, i get Lazy... so, im making a List... i don't know if this wiLL heLp... but who knows!!!... &&& anyone who's up for the things i wanna do, hit me up... maybe we can do it together... motivate each other... hehe

im caLLing this MY "TO DO" LiST... no definite time frame... no pressure, coz i don't Like pressure... but hopefuLLy i get to do them soon... Like SOON SOON... not my kinda SOON... coz my kinda SOON is weird! haha

*** these are subject to change without prior notice ***

1. START MY PROJECT - it's been postponed & deLayed for aLmost two weeks now... *sigh*
2. EXERCiSE - work out those six packs & do some cardio... haha in my dreams! LiteraLLy, they're onLy in my dreams... my sister & i wiLL aLways taLk about our exercise routine (when we'LL do it, where we'LL do it...),,, but we aLways end up just taLking about it... haha aLthough, our bestfriend said it's aLready a progress that we're taLking about it!... hahaha
3. RE-READ 'ANGELS & DEMONS' - before the movie comes out!
4. GO SKYDiViNG/BUNGEE JUMPiNG/CLiFF DiViNG - i guess anything risky but fun!!! something that wiLL give me the "rush"... i wanna try it!
5. MAKE A MUSiC ViDEO WiTH MY BECH-ES - yes! we've been pLanning on this for some time now... &&& we're thinking of doing SingLe Ladies by Beyonce... hahaha
6. GAiN WEiGHT - im trying!!! reaLLy... =P
7. FiX MY CLOSET - im not reaLLy sure when THiS wiLL happen... hahaha
8. LEARN HOW TO COOK - hopefuLLy it's not too Late... &&& hopefuLLy i Learn... that's the thing - iF i Learn!!!
9. PLANT A TREE - i've pLanted before, during grade schooL & high schooL... but not a tree... & they aLL died... so, maybe not just pLant a tree... --> GROW A TREE!
10. MEET GEORGE CLOONEY!!! - my dream!... hehehe

FYi::: there reaLLy is a course about "underwater basket weaving"... fascinating isn't it?! ^_^

ps::: more to come, im sure... i'LL get to it when my brain's working good... coz right now, im sLeepy... hehe so good night/good morning!

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