Tuesday, August 18, 2009


for more information or my contact number...

you can emaiL me at naiLsLikeappLe@gmail.com

or you can send me a message in my FB and/or FS account!...

you can aLso visit my website at http://nailslikeapple.blogspot.com/ 

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Long Beach...

i know this may sound Like a cliché... but this is true... &&& this is what i reaLLy feeL...

i uber uber uber MiSS Long Beach!!!... as in...

soooo, to reLieve my home-sickness... im gonna share some stuffs/peopLe that i miss about/on LB!...

-> my mom & dad!... uber miss them!!! no expLanations needed! i just miss them... wanna hug my mommy!... =(
-> my bestfriend - bech/bechay/bakLa... i miss taLking to her... i miss how we make fun of my sister's sLow-ness... i miss her cappuccino!... i miss going to her house & chiLL, & raiding their kitchen for food... i miss caLLing her & texting her... i miss her texts, especiaLLy when she's drunk ("u know i Love u right?")... i miss her smeLL,,, yeah! she smeLLs!... oh & her room too, i miss her messy room! hahaha i aLso miss her mom!... the way she caLLs us "impakta"... i miss hearing her introduce us to peopLe as her adopted daughters!... & soooo soooo much more...
-> i miss siopao!... oh! the fights!,,, the unending fights!... (THAT i ALWAYS WiN) hahaha his ugLy-smeLLy-dirty car that Loves me!!!! i miss sLapping his forehead!... i miss seeing him eat (he eats aLOT)!!!... & eating with him... oh! his phone & the game that i aLways pLay on his phone!... i miss teasing him!... hahaha &&& i miss his uber uber baho smeLL!!!... =P
-> i miss AT&T... the unLimited txt!... the roLLover minutes!... the free caLLs for same subscribers!... oh! i miss those!
-> i miss my Labs!... i remember her starting a petition when i was hibernating!... i miss our "kabakLaan moments"... no duLL moments with her, that's for sure!... Laughing with her & just taLking about whatever!... hehehe oh!... taLking about her LoveLife too!... i totaLLy miss that!... haha her emo-ness shows when it comes to taLking about her LoveLife... =D
-> i miss the china-town peopLe - pinesee!... i miss the knott's-scarry-farm peopLe!... i miss the caferteria peopLe!... i miss the big bear fambam!... i miss the D-bLdg & E-bLdg peopLe!... i miss my RN stud-buds!... (you guys know who u are!...) i miss my FB penpaLs!... i reaLLy do miss you guys.... aLL of u... hanging out with u & just Laughing... for my girLfriends - i miss checking out guys with u! hahaha for my guyfriends - i miss seeing u checking out girLs & then Laugh!... oh!... i wiLL for sure miss going to chinatown with u guys... i wiLL miss going to knott's-scarry farm & eat funneL cake with u... i wiLL miss our big bear trip!... i wiLL miss our cafeteria, E-bLdg, & D-bLdg!... i wiLL miss our emaiLs & messages in FB/MS even if we just saw each other...
-> i miss our chapeL at LB!... my church mates & friends... the CVS near it & the jack-in-the-box in front it... hehehe
-> i miss yogurt Land!... tea station!... guppy's!... CPK (veLvet cake!!!)... boiLing crab!... redondo beach!... naiL suppLy costco!... disneyLand!... shamu & sea worLd!... =( &&& many many more!!!...
-> i miss the beach... the view!... the maLLs!... the freeway!... the "pedestrians-have-the-right-of-way" ruLe!... i miss the weather!... i miss our bathroom!... 

for short,,, i miss Long Beach & everything & everyone on/in it!... hehehe >_< but, im aLready here... & we cannot turn back time... so, make the most out of it... & that's what we (my sister & i) have been doing... it's hard, but i think we're getting used to it... for now, Let me miss aLL of u!... hehehe

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


*** first, i must admit... i've been too Lazy to write... =( aLthough there's too much to teLL!... &&& my "project" is stiLL on hoLd... (hopefuLLy it won't be on hoLd FOREVER!!!)

nyhoo, im writing as a quick update...

1. its been 1 month & 25 days to be exact since im back here in the PhiLippines... i had my driver's License renewed aLready, but stiLL not driving.. hehe im on a HUGE food trip!.. (meaning, im trying to eat everything that i missed during my 5-year absence... hehehe) my sister & i have been doing a daiLy adventure, since we're by ourseLves... & by adventure, i mean FOOD adventure... hahaha we aLways say that we'LL bring our camera so we can take pictures, but we aLways forget... so no pics here...
2. i've been on search for REDBULL!!! &&& today!!!.... i found it!!! yaaaaayyyyy!!! uber uber HAPPY!!! =D it came in with a different packaging though... & im not sure if it tastes the same... im kinda scared to open it & taste it coz it may not be the same... but i wiLL drink it, proLy tomorrow!... so we'LL see... ^_^ but uber happy! hehehehe
3. i've aLso been on search for a substitute... yes! not a repLacement, coz SaLLy Hansen is irrepLaceabLe... ehehehe so yeah, searching for a substitute for my SH coLLection.. i've seen quite a Lot, they're ok.. but not totaLLy... but today, i found an awesome naiL oiL (it heLps maintain your naiL coLor)!!! yaaaaayyyy! >_< &&& its scented! hehehe oh yeah, im thinking of starting a business with my LOVE of naiL poLish.. we'LL see how that one goes... for now, Let me show you my naiL art for the week! (i used::: SH insta-dry pronto purpLe base, SH insta-dry yeLLow, &&& SH Hard as NaiLs fuschia) yaaaayyy! ^_^
4. i am taking MedicaL TechnoLogy right now... so bye-bye nursing!... our scheduLe is kinda FUN (for me, of course)... coz we just have cLasses on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays... weLL, we were Late enroLLees, so cLasses were mostLy cLosed when we enroLLed... schooL wise, i think its going great... hahaha i have chemistry, phiLosophy with Logic, & gender deveLopment... hahahahaha =D i know right??? GENDER DEVELOPMENT!.. as i toLd my friend, maybe its good that im taking it so i can be sure of who/what i reaLLy am &&& so i can aLso heLp him decide WHAT he reaLLy is... hahaha =P... as for phiLosophy... oooohhh i have a Lot of stories here... one is the titLe of my bLog... "WHY-ness"... i mean, what the heck does that word mean??? i dunno!... where in the worLd did that word came from??? my teacher!... hahaha beLieve me, that's just one of the MANY things... there's aLso "pLease cLose the open", & he's regarding to the Lights... OMG!!! hahahahaha on the much funnier side (much na, funny-er pa!... nahahawa na ko sa teacher ko!... paktay!),,, we had our preLims Last two weeks ago... & as ive said on my FB stat::: "i was surprised at the resuLt of my phiLosophy's preLim exam... i didn't expect to get a good grade, not even pass... but i did! yaaayyy! ^_^ then my teacher asked, 'how did you do it?'... i answered, 'sir! sadyang normaL na piLosopo Lang po taLaga ako!... naturaL ba!' hahahahaha =D"
5. i miss LB!... i do! i reaLLy reaLLy do!... i miss my mommy & daddy berry berry much!... =( &&& everyone too!... (i wouLd name names but then, if i miss someone's name i might get in troubLe... ) but yeah, you know who you are guys! i miss u aLL... but i must say a speciaL mention to::: bechay, siopao, & Labs!... ehehehe ^_^

-- LastLy... a Lot of things changed when we Left pinas... & now that we're back, i think we're stiLL deaLing & coping with those changes... there's the MAT (THAT is another story... its quite Long & i don't wanna make this bLog too Long... so proLy another time, iLL rant & vent about it)... the prices of things!... the peopLe... some makes me sad, but i know it wiLL pass... so yeah, watch out for the MAT bLog... hahahaha

*** ok.. that's it!... im outs!... promise!, iLL write soon!... ^_^

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


i am bLogging because im kinda pissed... actuaLLy not pissed... more Like frustrated... naiinis ako!!! i wanna scream & yeLL out Loud... i wanna cry too, weLL, im actuaLLy crying aLready... i wanna punch & throw stuffs!... aaaaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhh!!!...


naLoLoka na naman ako!!! & not the good way kind of Loka... :( :( :(


i don't know what to do... i don't know.....


Friday, June 05, 2009

im stiLL having a hard time with the time difference...

i can now say, that im haLfway done with the jetLag thing... proLy due to the fact that i sLeep whenever & wherever... haha aLthough, it was hard at first coz i have to controL & stop myseLf from faLLing asLeep during the day... >_<

OMG!!! since i got back Last wednesday... i've been eating a Lot!!! Like reaLLy... A LOT!!! im even surprised myseLf!!! my sister too! &&& im aLways hungry... especiaLLy at breakfast...

im happy that im back... & that i get to see my Loved ones & reLatives, especiaLLy my two LoLo!!! but at the same time, im sad... i miss my mom & dad... i miss my bech... i miss LB!!! & my friends... i miss our bathroom too!  =* oh! & i miss my ring... i feeL weird without it... i've been unconsciousLy (many times a day), fixing my index finger as if there's a ring on it... not reaLLy fixing my index finger, as if it can be repositioned or something.. its more Like, i touch it to fix the ring, onLy there's no ring on it right now... its ok though, i know i Left it to someone who'LL take care of it! >_< & op kors, i miss that someone too! hehe =*

then, i found out there's a godiva cheesecake at cheesecake factory... i FOUND OUT JUST WHEN i GOT BACK!!! aaarrrrggghhh!!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!! toLd dye dye & dadeee, but they're soooo MEAN they won't send me even a sLice!!! hmmmpppfff!

just thought id share this... i Left a Lot of my cLothes just so i can bring my entire naiL poLish coLLection! hahahaha =D

oh & since i got back, ive been going on YM a Lot... &&& im on for the whoLe day... even when we go out, iLL just Leave it on untiL my Laptop sLeeps on its own... aLthough, im usuaLLy on invisibLe mode! hahaha

a Lot were surprised with the news of us coming back & being here... hehe i dunno! haven't seen my friends yet, but wiLL soon...

oooohhh &&& i MiGHT go to MOA tonight with my cousins... hehe first time!!! =P

Thursday, June 04, 2009


--> ok!... so here it is...

im back home... here in pinas... just got here today, around Lunch time...

ish raining but ish hot... oohhh &&& im kinda scared to drive! hahaha stiLL, Lots of things to settLe... ok then, gotta sLeep! i feeL Like im a vampire here! haha

i miss mommy & daddy... & my bech, & siopao too! & eberione there... good thing i have godiva! hahaha =P 

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

where's the 5, peopLe? where's the 5?

i recentLy put that as my status shoutout at FB & peopLe thought that im taLking about peopLe... Like im Looking for 5 peopLe... but no! im not... just the 5... ahaha i know it sounds weird & nonsense... but here goes the story...

for the past week.. i've been Looking for a cute, comfortabLe, affordabLe, & worth it sandaLs/sLippers... i know that cathy jean & payLess do have my size... & sometimes, as in SOMETiMES, when i get Lucky... some pLaces too... but this past week... OMG! i've went to aLL the shoe store aLready at Lakewood maLL, & meyn! NONE! see, i've had my frustrations on my feet a few times... not that its onLy smaLL but my toe naiLs are smaLL too... so its hard to put naiL poLish on!... aLL the shoe store i went to, their smaLLest size is 5.5 or sometimes 6... so i tried asking for the kids' size, & their biggest is 4... so my question is, where is the 5, peopLe??? what happened to the 5??? it's my favorite number as weLL!!!!... so frustrating!!! so, i went to payLess as my Last resort, coz i know they rareLy have great stuffs on size 5... & to my disappointment, they don't have any good stuffs.. so i ended up not having my dreams sandaLs/sLippers!... =(

on the other hand, we just had a smaLL gathering for my sister's bday... i had a great time! it was nice to have a party for her, coz usuaLLy she doesn't Like having a party for her bday... it was a great night with great peopLe... pLus, i got to taLk to this one person after,,, hmmm,,, i dunno... months? hehe good deed! *cLap*cLap* oh & finaLLy, heard the "i hate you"! hahaha i know its not a good thing for most peopLe, but beLieve me... it totaLLy made me feeL better! & for me, it is a good thing!... hahaha weird!

oh weLL, very busy week coming ahead... pLus, Lots of things to do... on top of the List: make bech cry! haha make it sink in for her & for me as weLL!... oh & mani/pedi! haha squeeze everything!... hehe

Saturday, May 23, 2009


"what is your fear?"

i usuaLLy see that question on surveys on FB/MS/FS... & i usuaLLy answer, "being aLone, or having no one around me"... but Last night, since i couLdn't sLeep... i had some time to think... & this was one of the things that came into my mind... this question... & Last night, i found my answer...

"what is your fear?"
--- yes, i fear being aLone &/or having no one around me... but thinking about it, even if i am physicaLLy aLone, i am not reaLLy aLone-aLone... He wiLL aLways be with me... no matter what... no matter where... no matter when... He wiLL take care of me... that said, i wiLL never be aLone!... so what is my fear? my fear is being forgotten... having no one remember me... that is my fear... i've been in a Lot of situations where i saw peopLe move on... where i Left a pLace, & that pLace grew... it changed... & the peopLe changed... i know that change is inevitabLe... but it scares me to even think that peopLe forget me... i DON'T WANT TO BE FORGOTTEN!!! i may have Lost communication to some peopLe that became a part of my Life... but i remember aLL of you!... so, i don't wanna be forgotten!... & this scares me,,, because another chapter of my Life is about to unfoLd... 
--- i don't want you to forget me... if you (READER) think that im being conceited, arrogant, egotisticaL, or whatever... then you have a probLem... go think wiseLy!...
--- i don't want you to forget me... even if the onLy thing that couLd remind you of me is the part of me being mean to you, or being a b*tch to you... that's ok, at Least you remember me...
--- i don't want you to forget me... 

ps::: i feeL Like bLogging every night... hahahaha WORD!...

Friday, May 22, 2009

because i can't sLeep...

i can't sLeep... &&& i need to sLeep coz i have to wake up earLy tomorrow... but eh, i can't sLeep... i feeL Like im running out of time...

it's finaL... 100% happening...

Lots of things to do... Lots of things to settLe... & i don't think i have much time...

"His wiLL be done."

Thursday, May 21, 2009


WARNiNG::: no train of thought whatsoever... fuLL of grammaticaL errors... no topic sentence... in short,,, maguLo to! >_<

START --> my bech (bestfriend) brought me to a naiL suppLy store, kinda Like a mini costco for naiL stuffs,,, &&& it was Like being in a candy store = AWESOME!... boiLing crab is deLishyoso!... im aLways eating & aLways hungry,,, Like every 2 hours!... i haven't seen angeLs & demons yet,,, but i SOOOOO want to watch it right now!... Last May 17, around 8:39 PM - there was a 5.1 earthquake!... it was reaLLy scary,,, there was a JOLT! Like a JOLT JOLT!!! =/... that same night, what i did was sincere... op kors, i care!... there was another earthquake yesterday, the 19th,,, i didn't feeL it, but my dad did, & report said it was 4.1... i feeL Like any moment, there's gonna be another earthquake,,, how scary!!!... i might be running out of time =(... i wanna taLk & say sorry, but i don't know how to... i'm stiLL so addicted to naiL poLish!... i discovered a bLog about kikay stuffs --- check it out girLfriends! (http://www.xsparkage.com/)... my sister's bday is coming,,, i wanna go to disneyLand!!!... i finaLLy went shopping Last monday after soooo many months! haha... picnic on memoriaL monday,,, must Look cute! heehee... panahon na ng mangga!!! weeeeee.... it's getting hotter in here,,, must wear sunbLock!!!... i never got to start my "project",,, what a Lazy person! =P... right now, my naiLs are pink! ^_^... sometimes i hate my feet coz they're smaLL, it's hard to Look for shoes,,, pLus my toe naiLs are smaLL too & its sooo hard to put naiL poLish on!... i need to find & buy a good pair of sLippers/sandaLs... shawn johnson won DWTS!!! hehe i voted for her!!! aLthough, giLLes marini is HOT!!!... Grey's Anatomy's season finaLe = heart-stopping! breath-taking! what wiLL happen??? i can't wait!!!... Gossip GirL season finaLe = *sigh* too much kiLig!!! where oh where can i find my own Chuck Bass?!? hehehe >_<... if,,, im 100% sure about what wiLL happen to me,,, do you stiLL wanna know?... congratuLations to those who pass 2nd semester & 1st semester of the program!... i want a ray-ban wayfarer sungLasses! oh Santa, i've been good! though i don't ceLebrate xmas, you can just give it to me now! haha >_<... i have a reason for the things i did... ooohhh! i aLso want a monokini swimsuit! haha... i staLk you sometimes, so i can see that you're doing great! which is great!!!... we need new designs for indigo... i wanna go to a Library & borrow books... i reaLLy think that my sister needs to Learn how to drive!!! hahaha... i stiLL have a Lot of windang moments!!!... there's a short wait for SchindLer's List at netfLix,,, & i can't wait anymore... i think Adam Lambert shouLd have won american idoL!... i haven't had red buLL for Like 3 months now,,, cLap! cLap!... i had a weird/funny dream the other night about my HS cLassmates & my eLementary crush,,, hahaha... & now, i shaLL end this... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee >_<

Thursday, April 30, 2009


sorry! but i just have to Let this out (rant/vent/scream/yeLL) before i sLeep... so i can sLeep peacefuLLy!...


ok maybe im at fauLt at some part... but DUDE!!! as far as i know... i made myseLf perfectLy cLear about our FRiENDSHiP since the very beginning! GOSH!!! im speechLess! because i treated you as a friend... a good friend! i even toLd you stuffs! & here i am, ALL THiS FREAKiN' TiMe, thinking that we ARE JUST FRiENDS!!! but u gave a different meaning to everything...

&&& now, im the bad girL!... ako yung masama kasi i misLead you... susme!!! ewan ko!!!

"chocoLate is said to contain phenyLethyLamine, the same chemicaL your brain produces when you faLL in Love.. magchocoLate na Lang tayo,,, hindi pa masakit sa dibdib!!.."
--> yeah! chocoLate na Lang taLaga... hindi pa maguLo!!!

*** right now... i wanna go to a target shooting range... to bLow off some steam! haha ***

Thursday, April 23, 2009

MY "TO DO" LiST...

i want to do Lots of things... especiaLLy right now that im not that busy... but sometimes (or most of the time),,, i get Lazy... so, im making a List... i don't know if this wiLL heLp... but who knows!!!... &&& anyone who's up for the things i wanna do, hit me up... maybe we can do it together... motivate each other... hehe

im caLLing this MY "TO DO" LiST... no definite time frame... no pressure, coz i don't Like pressure... but hopefuLLy i get to do them soon... Like SOON SOON... not my kinda SOON... coz my kinda SOON is weird! haha

*** these are subject to change without prior notice ***

1. START MY PROJECT - it's been postponed & deLayed for aLmost two weeks now... *sigh*
2. EXERCiSE - work out those six packs & do some cardio... haha in my dreams! LiteraLLy, they're onLy in my dreams... my sister & i wiLL aLways taLk about our exercise routine (when we'LL do it, where we'LL do it...),,, but we aLways end up just taLking about it... haha aLthough, our bestfriend said it's aLready a progress that we're taLking about it!... hahaha
3. RE-READ 'ANGELS & DEMONS' - before the movie comes out!
4. GO SKYDiViNG/BUNGEE JUMPiNG/CLiFF DiViNG - i guess anything risky but fun!!! something that wiLL give me the "rush"... i wanna try it!
5. MAKE A MUSiC ViDEO WiTH MY BECH-ES - yes! we've been pLanning on this for some time now... &&& we're thinking of doing SingLe Ladies by Beyonce... hahaha
6. GAiN WEiGHT - im trying!!! reaLLy... =P
7. FiX MY CLOSET - im not reaLLy sure when THiS wiLL happen... hahaha
8. LEARN HOW TO COOK - hopefuLLy it's not too Late... &&& hopefuLLy i Learn... that's the thing - iF i Learn!!!
9. PLANT A TREE - i've pLanted before, during grade schooL & high schooL... but not a tree... & they aLL died... so, maybe not just pLant a tree... --> GROW A TREE!
10. MEET GEORGE CLOONEY!!! - my dream!... hehehe

FYi::: there reaLLy is a course about "underwater basket weaving"... fascinating isn't it?! ^_^

ps::: more to come, im sure... i'LL get to it when my brain's working good... coz right now, im sLeepy... hehe so good night/good morning!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


i have a thing for naiL poLish right now... it's my current addiction... 

Last saturday, i went with my dad to CVS to get some stuffs... i know that for sure i'm gonna get a new naiL poLish... so i went to the naiL poLish section... OMG!!! they have good seLection!!! they have a Lot of SH brand too! i think i stood there for Like 30 minutes trying to figure out what coLor to get... & i think i wouLd have stood there Longer, but my dad caLLed me... *sigh* & he was compLaining how Long it took me to choose... then today, i went to waLmart... & again, i got Lost in the naiL poLish aisLe...

its bad, bad, bad... knowing that i have enough naiL poLish aLready... but then!!! standing in front of those coLorfuL beautifuL things... i was wishing i couLd pick one of each coLor!!! hahaha =D totaLLy!!! seriousLy!!!

hmmm... oh weLL... i guess that's my girLy side kicking in! hehe

Friday, April 10, 2009


i said that today... i wiLL start my new project...

i had a Lazy moment earLier, but decided to pursue it...

i started my preparation at 1 PM...

then, when i was about 15 minutes away to reaLLy starting it...

i found out that our camera is somewhere not at home!

(*hint* ::: yes! my new project needs a camera...)

taLk about hoLd ups... hahaha

so, i guess it wiLL have to wait...

but!!! i wiLL stiLL do it... hehehe ^_^

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


i wiLL be working on a project... ^_^

personaL project that is...

it's new, because i've never done it before...

and hopefuLLy, i won't be Lazy & totaLLy pursue it...

im uber excited! aLso hoping it works out...

target start date/day::: thursday - 4/9...

cross fingers! >_<

COMiNG SOON!!! weeeeeee

Thursday, April 02, 2009

... bLogging ...

it's been a big and Long roLLer coaster ride for the past month... not that i hate roLLer coasters (but i do hate that one ride at knott's berry farm = ghost rider)... haha but i guess i can compare the things that's been going on with me to a roLLer coaster... mostLy though, it's Like the part of the ride where aLL the hoops & twists come... & honestLy, i don't think the ride's over yet... 

so here i am, bLogging... at the night of apriL fooL's... hehe (i didn't get to pLay a prank to anyone today!) i can't beLieve it's aLready apriL... spring break's coming!!! yaaayy!!! &&& we're going to SF!!! wooohooo! i sooo need that! even though it's just for four days... stiLL, its something far from aLL these...

TV SERiES UPDATE::: im hooked to CSI Las Vegas right now... im trying to watch aLL seasons, starting from season 1... & yes, its one of the things that keeps me busy... hahaha im aLso watching DWTS! im sad because my handsome Dmitry got booted off (he is REALLY handsome!)... on the other hand, GiLLes is stiLL on... &&& he's HOT! uber hot! he's good too! >_<>

ok, enough with the TV series update... =P

i'm currentLy an anti-phone... & have been for the past two weeks, i beLieve... some of my friends even caLL it as a restraining order for my own phone... haha they're even petitioning that i Lift the restraining order... hahaha im touched! fLattered even... a shout out to those petitioning::: "don't worry you guys... i feeL that the restraining order wiLL be Lifted soon! haha"

i want to share this short conversation i had with a friend at FB... it was her response to my status... "... na ang chaLLenge pa dun on your part eh pano mo ieexpLain sa kaniLa yun, without going through aLL the emotionaL drama... pero in the end, yun nga, ikaw padin ang LaLabas na masama, nakasakit!" *sigh* enough said...

on the brighter side... i haven't had redbuLL for a month! haha! cLap cLap! hehe >_<

FOOD CRAViNGS::: frozen yogurt! oh & my sister introduced me to cupcakes... oh! they're soooo cute & sooo good too! haha funneL cake too! been craving for one... i know they're aLL junk foods... eh? they make me happy! hehe >_<

LastLy... i Love naiL poLish!!! if i couLd change the coLors of my naiLs everyday, that wiLL be great! but then it takes time... ooohhh but i Love coLors!!! so, my current thing = naiL poLish!!! im trying to buiLd an empire of naiL poLish! haha =D i mean, im trying to coLLect Lots of different coLors that i Like... saLLy hansen is a good brand... stiLL, checking out some stuffs... but yes, its my current thing... it takes my mind off of things... =)

MOOD::: as of right now... im anxious about some stuffs... sad about a certain thing... reLieved that i got something out... happy i received a 20 from my dad... in short = nawiwindang ako!!! =/

weLL... weLL... i guess that's it for now... ciao!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


they say in Life... 
hardships and triaLs wiLL come,,, mistakes wiLL happen,,, peopLe wiLL come and go,,, tears wiLL be shed,,, and broken hearts... weLL, it may heaL... but the scars wiLL remain...

i had a Lot of break downs for the past few months...
i made a wrong turn... i took a Lot of things for granted... i had doubts... i stumbLed  & feLL so many times... &&& worst, i reLied on myseLf...

these things made me who i am today... it made me reaLize things... it made me stronger in a way... it made me scared in another way... &&& the greatest BUT of it aLL - "BUT in spite of it aLL... He stiLL Loves me... He gave me a second chance... He didn't judge me... He took my hand, hugged me tight, & made me feeL that He forgives me..."

now & tomorrow & the day after tomorrow & the next next day & the day after that day &&& so on... i wiLL do my best to do His wiLL... i wiLL try harder to stay on the right road & not make another wrong turn... i wiLL never doubt Him again... i wiLL pick myseLf up from aLL these & move forward... &&& i wiLL NOT reLy on just myseLf ever again...

those who are heLping me get through aLL these - THANK YOU...
those who stayed by my side - THANK YOU...
those who are quick to judge - THANK YOU...
those who do not understand - THANK YOU...

i say this to those who are quick to judge & to those who do not understand::: "i have sinned and made a Lot of mistakes... but it is not those things that defines me... nor wiLL it define who i wiLL become... but thank you for making me see the other side without even going there..."

--> im in the process of heaLing,,, of taking it aLL in,,, of pLanning,,, of coping,,, &&& of getting fat... ^_^ i may not be ok yet, but i wiLL be... i stiLL beLieve... i stiLL hope... at the end of the day... im stiLL ME!

*** i was inspired by the foLLowing quotes ***
MEREDiTH: "The early bird catches the worm; a stitch in time saves nine. He who hesitates is lost. We can't pretend we haven't been told. We've all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to 'seize the day'. Still sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons. We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore, until we finally understand for ourselves like Benjamin Franklin meant. That knowing is better than wondering, that waking is better than sleeping. And that even the biggest failure, even the worst most intractable mistake beats the hell out of never trying."
ATE KiM: "the moment we rely on ourselves completely, is the moment we lose our faith."
SOMEONE: "After falling, you don't have to crawl. You can stand up and start walking again..."
ANONYMOUS: "The important thing is not to be bitter over life's difficulties. We should Learn to Let go of the past and recognize that everyday won't be sunny, and when we find ourselves lost in darkness and despair, remember - it's only in the black of the night that we can see the stars, and those stars will lead us back home. So, we should not be afraid to make mistakes, to stumble, to fall. Because most of the time, the greatest rewards come from doing things that scare us the most."
SOMEONE ANONYMOUS: "Don't shield yourself from pain, never fear pain either. Face whatever it is that comes your way. Don't be afraid to stumble and fall, to cry and get hurt. Dread not those helpless moments, when you can't even fight your tears back, and all you can do is stare at something and let time pass. You can only understand happiness after you've felt pain. Life is not fair, it never was, and it won't ever be. All we can do is to live it to the fullest."

Thursday, March 12, 2009

i need morphine!

ok... so i just need to Let this out...


NOW im mad!!! i am sooooo MAD!!! i am freakin' MAD!!!
pLus i am stiLL coping... coping with the stuffs happening...
i am grieving... i am in shock... 
i am... i don't know... i wanna scream!
i wanna scream out Loud... but i can't...

my head is gonna expLode soon...
so i think i need a morphine... hahaha
im fine though... ehehehe ^_^

BUT wouLd it be too much to ask to CUT ME SOME SLACK?!?!

Monday, March 09, 2009

LiKE DEATH & TAXES... CHANGE is inevitabLe

--- i beLieve im doing the best i couLd,,, given the current situation...

--- im uber tired... from a Lot of things...

--- you'LL thank me tomorrow...

--- im not suicidaL... even if i say so... i mean, i don't see myseLf kiLLing myseLf... coz #1, that's a sin! &&& #2, im sooo great it wiLL be a waste to kiLL me! hahaha

--- i think that once they aLL know... it WiLL kick in... it WiLL become more reaL... &&& it WiLL make ME feeL things... in which, i think, im not ready yet... not ready to feeL things... (you know... coz i Like the feeLing of not being abLe to feeL coz then it feeLs great not feeLing anything... yeah...)

--- im thinking of going to disneyLand &&& sea worLd before the month of May comes... just because... 

--- "in Life, onLy one thing is certain, apart from death and taxes. no matter how hard you try, no matter how good your intentions, you are going to make mistakes. you're going to hurt peopLe. you're going to get hurt. and if you ever want to recover... there's reaLLy onLy one thing you can say..." {by Meredith}

--- change is coming... as my sister said - "i have news that when i teLL you, i want you to wet your pants in shock! bwahaha"

ps::: im Liking twitter... you guys shouLd create one & foLLow me... staLk me... hunt me.. shadow me... whatever! hahaha