*** first, i must admit... i've been too Lazy to write... =( aLthough there's too much to teLL!... &&& my "project" is stiLL on hoLd... (hopefuLLy it won't be on hoLd FOREVER!!!)
nyhoo, im writing as a quick update...
1. its been 1 month & 25 days to be exact since im back here in the PhiLippines... i had my driver's License renewed aLready, but stiLL not driving.. hehe im on a HUGE food trip!.. (meaning, im trying to eat everything that i missed during my 5-year absence... hehehe) my sister & i have been doing a daiLy adventure, since we're by ourseLves... & by adventure, i mean FOOD adventure... hahaha we aLways say that we'LL bring our camera so we can take pictures, but we aLways forget... so no pics here...
2. i've been on search for REDBULL!!! &&& today!!!.... i found it!!! yaaaaayyyyy!!! uber uber HAPPY!!! =D it came in with a different packaging though... & im not sure if it tastes the same... im kinda scared to open it & taste it coz it may not be the same... but i wiLL drink it, proLy tomorrow!... so we'LL see... ^_^ but uber happy! hehehehe
4. i am taking MedicaL TechnoLogy right now... so bye-bye nursing!... our scheduLe is kinda FUN (for me, of course)... coz we just have cLasses on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays... weLL, we were Late enroLLees, so cLasses were mostLy cLosed when we enroLLed... schooL wise, i think its going great... hahaha i have chemistry, phiLosophy with Logic, & gender deveLopment... hahahahaha =D i know right??? GENDER DEVELOPMENT!.. as i toLd my friend, maybe its good that im taking it so i can be sure of who/what i reaLLy am &&& so i can aLso heLp him decide WHAT he reaLLy is... hahaha =P... as for phiLosophy... oooohhh i have a Lot of stories here... one is the titLe of my bLog... "WHY-ness"... i mean, what the heck does that word mean??? i dunno!... where in the worLd did that word came from??? my teacher!... hahaha beLieve me, that's just one of the MANY things... there's aLso "pLease cLose the open", & he's regarding to the Lights... OMG!!! hahahahaha on the much funnier side (much na, funny-er pa!... nahahawa na ko sa teacher ko!... paktay!),,, we had our preLims Last two weeks ago... & as ive said on my FB stat::: "i was surprised at the resuLt of my phiLosophy's preLim exam... i didn't expect to get a good grade, not even pass... but i did! yaaayyy! ^_^ then my teacher asked, 'how did you do it?'... i answered, 'sir! sadyang normaL na piLosopo Lang po taLaga ako!... naturaL ba!' hahahahaha =D"
5. i miss LB!... i do! i reaLLy reaLLy do!... i miss my mommy & daddy berry berry much!... =( &&& everyone too!... (i wouLd name names but then, if i miss someone's name i might get in troubLe... ) but yeah, you know who you are guys! i miss u aLL... but i must say a speciaL mention to::: bechay, siopao, & Labs!... ehehehe ^_^
-- LastLy... a Lot of things changed when we Left pinas... & now that we're back, i think we're stiLL deaLing & coping with those changes... there's the MAT (THAT is another story... its quite Long & i don't wanna make this bLog too Long... so proLy another time, iLL rant & vent about it)... the prices of things!... the peopLe... some makes me sad, but i know it wiLL pass... so yeah, watch out for the MAT bLog... hahahaha
*** ok.. that's it!... im outs!... promise!, iLL write soon!... ^_^
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