Saturday, May 23, 2009


"what is your fear?"

i usuaLLy see that question on surveys on FB/MS/FS... & i usuaLLy answer, "being aLone, or having no one around me"... but Last night, since i couLdn't sLeep... i had some time to think... & this was one of the things that came into my mind... this question... & Last night, i found my answer...

"what is your fear?"
--- yes, i fear being aLone &/or having no one around me... but thinking about it, even if i am physicaLLy aLone, i am not reaLLy aLone-aLone... He wiLL aLways be with me... no matter what... no matter where... no matter when... He wiLL take care of me... that said, i wiLL never be aLone!... so what is my fear? my fear is being forgotten... having no one remember me... that is my fear... i've been in a Lot of situations where i saw peopLe move on... where i Left a pLace, & that pLace grew... it changed... & the peopLe changed... i know that change is inevitabLe... but it scares me to even think that peopLe forget me... i DON'T WANT TO BE FORGOTTEN!!! i may have Lost communication to some peopLe that became a part of my Life... but i remember aLL of you!... so, i don't wanna be forgotten!... & this scares me,,, because another chapter of my Life is about to unfoLd... 
--- i don't want you to forget me... if you (READER) think that im being conceited, arrogant, egotisticaL, or whatever... then you have a probLem... go think wiseLy!...
--- i don't want you to forget me... even if the onLy thing that couLd remind you of me is the part of me being mean to you, or being a b*tch to you... that's ok, at Least you remember me...
--- i don't want you to forget me... 

ps::: i feeL Like bLogging every night... hahahaha WORD!...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wont forget you! never ever

<3 Alpha