Tuesday, May 26, 2009

where's the 5, peopLe? where's the 5?

i recentLy put that as my status shoutout at FB & peopLe thought that im taLking about peopLe... Like im Looking for 5 peopLe... but no! im not... just the 5... ahaha i know it sounds weird & nonsense... but here goes the story...

for the past week.. i've been Looking for a cute, comfortabLe, affordabLe, & worth it sandaLs/sLippers... i know that cathy jean & payLess do have my size... & sometimes, as in SOMETiMES, when i get Lucky... some pLaces too... but this past week... OMG! i've went to aLL the shoe store aLready at Lakewood maLL, & meyn! NONE! see, i've had my frustrations on my feet a few times... not that its onLy smaLL but my toe naiLs are smaLL too... so its hard to put naiL poLish on!... aLL the shoe store i went to, their smaLLest size is 5.5 or sometimes 6... so i tried asking for the kids' size, & their biggest is 4... so my question is, where is the 5, peopLe??? what happened to the 5??? it's my favorite number as weLL!!!!... so frustrating!!! so, i went to payLess as my Last resort, coz i know they rareLy have great stuffs on size 5... & to my disappointment, they don't have any good stuffs.. so i ended up not having my dreams sandaLs/sLippers!... =(

on the other hand, we just had a smaLL gathering for my sister's bday... i had a great time! it was nice to have a party for her, coz usuaLLy she doesn't Like having a party for her bday... it was a great night with great peopLe... pLus, i got to taLk to this one person after,,, hmmm,,, i dunno... months? hehe good deed! *cLap*cLap* oh & finaLLy, heard the "i hate you"! hahaha i know its not a good thing for most peopLe, but beLieve me... it totaLLy made me feeL better! & for me, it is a good thing!... hahaha weird!

oh weLL, very busy week coming ahead... pLus, Lots of things to do... on top of the List: make bech cry! haha make it sink in for her & for me as weLL!... oh & mani/pedi! haha squeeze everything!... hehe

Saturday, May 23, 2009


"what is your fear?"

i usuaLLy see that question on surveys on FB/MS/FS... & i usuaLLy answer, "being aLone, or having no one around me"... but Last night, since i couLdn't sLeep... i had some time to think... & this was one of the things that came into my mind... this question... & Last night, i found my answer...

"what is your fear?"
--- yes, i fear being aLone &/or having no one around me... but thinking about it, even if i am physicaLLy aLone, i am not reaLLy aLone-aLone... He wiLL aLways be with me... no matter what... no matter where... no matter when... He wiLL take care of me... that said, i wiLL never be aLone!... so what is my fear? my fear is being forgotten... having no one remember me... that is my fear... i've been in a Lot of situations where i saw peopLe move on... where i Left a pLace, & that pLace grew... it changed... & the peopLe changed... i know that change is inevitabLe... but it scares me to even think that peopLe forget me... i DON'T WANT TO BE FORGOTTEN!!! i may have Lost communication to some peopLe that became a part of my Life... but i remember aLL of you!... so, i don't wanna be forgotten!... & this scares me,,, because another chapter of my Life is about to unfoLd... 
--- i don't want you to forget me... if you (READER) think that im being conceited, arrogant, egotisticaL, or whatever... then you have a probLem... go think wiseLy!...
--- i don't want you to forget me... even if the onLy thing that couLd remind you of me is the part of me being mean to you, or being a b*tch to you... that's ok, at Least you remember me...
--- i don't want you to forget me... 

ps::: i feeL Like bLogging every night... hahahaha WORD!...

Friday, May 22, 2009

because i can't sLeep...

i can't sLeep... &&& i need to sLeep coz i have to wake up earLy tomorrow... but eh, i can't sLeep... i feeL Like im running out of time...

it's finaL... 100% happening...

Lots of things to do... Lots of things to settLe... & i don't think i have much time...

"His wiLL be done."

Thursday, May 21, 2009


WARNiNG::: no train of thought whatsoever... fuLL of grammaticaL errors... no topic sentence... in short,,, maguLo to! >_<

START --> my bech (bestfriend) brought me to a naiL suppLy store, kinda Like a mini costco for naiL stuffs,,, &&& it was Like being in a candy store = AWESOME!... boiLing crab is deLishyoso!... im aLways eating & aLways hungry,,, Like every 2 hours!... i haven't seen angeLs & demons yet,,, but i SOOOOO want to watch it right now!... Last May 17, around 8:39 PM - there was a 5.1 earthquake!... it was reaLLy scary,,, there was a JOLT! Like a JOLT JOLT!!! =/... that same night, what i did was sincere... op kors, i care!... there was another earthquake yesterday, the 19th,,, i didn't feeL it, but my dad did, & report said it was 4.1... i feeL Like any moment, there's gonna be another earthquake,,, how scary!!!... i might be running out of time =(... i wanna taLk & say sorry, but i don't know how to... i'm stiLL so addicted to naiL poLish!... i discovered a bLog about kikay stuffs --- check it out girLfriends! (http://www.xsparkage.com/)... my sister's bday is coming,,, i wanna go to disneyLand!!!... i finaLLy went shopping Last monday after soooo many months! haha... picnic on memoriaL monday,,, must Look cute! heehee... panahon na ng mangga!!! weeeeee.... it's getting hotter in here,,, must wear sunbLock!!!... i never got to start my "project",,, what a Lazy person! =P... right now, my naiLs are pink! ^_^... sometimes i hate my feet coz they're smaLL, it's hard to Look for shoes,,, pLus my toe naiLs are smaLL too & its sooo hard to put naiL poLish on!... i need to find & buy a good pair of sLippers/sandaLs... shawn johnson won DWTS!!! hehe i voted for her!!! aLthough, giLLes marini is HOT!!!... Grey's Anatomy's season finaLe = heart-stopping! breath-taking! what wiLL happen??? i can't wait!!!... Gossip GirL season finaLe = *sigh* too much kiLig!!! where oh where can i find my own Chuck Bass?!? hehehe >_<... if,,, im 100% sure about what wiLL happen to me,,, do you stiLL wanna know?... congratuLations to those who pass 2nd semester & 1st semester of the program!... i want a ray-ban wayfarer sungLasses! oh Santa, i've been good! though i don't ceLebrate xmas, you can just give it to me now! haha >_<... i have a reason for the things i did... ooohhh! i aLso want a monokini swimsuit! haha... i staLk you sometimes, so i can see that you're doing great! which is great!!!... we need new designs for indigo... i wanna go to a Library & borrow books... i reaLLy think that my sister needs to Learn how to drive!!! hahaha... i stiLL have a Lot of windang moments!!!... there's a short wait for SchindLer's List at netfLix,,, & i can't wait anymore... i think Adam Lambert shouLd have won american idoL!... i haven't had red buLL for Like 3 months now,,, cLap! cLap!... i had a weird/funny dream the other night about my HS cLassmates & my eLementary crush,,, hahaha... & now, i shaLL end this... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee >_<