Saturday, April 11, 2009


i have a thing for naiL poLish right now... it's my current addiction... 

Last saturday, i went with my dad to CVS to get some stuffs... i know that for sure i'm gonna get a new naiL poLish... so i went to the naiL poLish section... OMG!!! they have good seLection!!! they have a Lot of SH brand too! i think i stood there for Like 30 minutes trying to figure out what coLor to get... & i think i wouLd have stood there Longer, but my dad caLLed me... *sigh* & he was compLaining how Long it took me to choose... then today, i went to waLmart... & again, i got Lost in the naiL poLish aisLe...

its bad, bad, bad... knowing that i have enough naiL poLish aLready... but then!!! standing in front of those coLorfuL beautifuL things... i was wishing i couLd pick one of each coLor!!! hahaha =D totaLLy!!! seriousLy!!!

hmmm... oh weLL... i guess that's my girLy side kicking in! hehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wee! nail polish!!! labs.. wen r u painting ma nails?? wel, i don't rily like gettn my nails painted but if i kud use it as an excuse to hangout w/ u.. i'll take it.. aha.