they say in Life...
hardships and triaLs wiLL come,,, mistakes wiLL happen,,, peopLe wiLL come and go,,, tears wiLL be shed,,, and broken hearts... weLL, it may heaL... but the scars wiLL remain...
i had a Lot of break downs for the past few months...
i made a wrong turn... i took a Lot of things for granted... i had doubts... i stumbLed & feLL so many times... &&& worst, i reLied on myseLf...
these things made me who i am today... it made me reaLize things... it made me stronger in a way... it made me scared in another way... &&& the greatest BUT of it aLL - "BUT in spite of it aLL... He stiLL Loves me... He gave me a second chance... He didn't judge me... He took my hand, hugged me tight, & made me feeL that He forgives me..."
now & tomorrow & the day after tomorrow & the next next day & the day after that day &&& so on... i wiLL do my best to do His wiLL... i wiLL try harder to stay on the right road & not make another wrong turn... i wiLL never doubt Him again... i wiLL pick myseLf up from aLL these & move forward... &&& i wiLL NOT reLy on just myseLf ever again...
those who are heLping me get through aLL these - THANK YOU...
those who stayed by my side - THANK YOU...
those who are quick to judge - THANK YOU...
those who do not understand - THANK YOU...
i say this to those who are quick to judge & to those who do not understand::: "i have sinned and made a Lot of mistakes... but it is not those things that defines me... nor wiLL it define who i wiLL become... but thank you for making me see the other side without even going there..."
--> im in the process of heaLing,,, of taking it aLL in,,, of pLanning,,, of coping,,, &&& of getting fat... ^_^ i may not be ok yet, but i wiLL be... i stiLL beLieve... i stiLL hope... at the end of the day... im stiLL ME!
*** i was inspired by the foLLowing quotes ***
MEREDiTH: "The early bird catches the worm; a stitch in time saves nine. He who hesitates is lost. We can't pretend we haven't been told. We've all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to 'seize the day'. Still sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons. We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore, until we finally understand for ourselves like Benjamin Franklin meant. That knowing is better than wondering, that waking is better than sleeping. And that even the biggest failure, even the worst most intractable mistake beats the hell out of never trying."
ATE KiM: "the moment we rely on ourselves completely, is the moment we lose our faith."
SOMEONE: "After falling, you don't have to crawl. You can stand up and start walking again..."
ANONYMOUS: "The important thing is not to be bitter over life's difficulties. We should Learn to Let go of the past and recognize that everyday won't be sunny, and when we find ourselves lost in darkness and despair, remember - it's only in the black of the night that we can see the stars, and those stars will lead us back home. So, we should not be afraid to make mistakes, to stumble, to fall. Because most of the time, the greatest rewards come from doing things that scare us the most."
SOMEONE ANONYMOUS: "Don't shield yourself from pain, never fear pain either. Face whatever it is that comes your way. Don't be afraid to stumble and fall, to cry and get hurt. Dread not those helpless moments, when you can't even fight your tears back, and all you can do is stare at something and let time pass. You can only understand happiness after you've felt pain. Life is not fair, it never was, and it won't ever be. All we can do is to live it to the fullest."
hello my dear...
just a little advice =)
dont be afraid to rely on yourself...sometimes that is still your best option...but do not be afraid to ask for help when needed...
No matter how long it takes... No matter how difficult the path may seem... That place you long for... You will get there...
Because of the person that you are, you will always be WORTHY. You will always be SPECIAL to His eyes and to those who love you.
And nothing is impossible in this world, as long as we have faith in ourselves and most especially to the One who created us all.
Keep smiling my labs... For our journey has not ended, it is just beginning...
And with the things we have learned thus far, we are more capable, stronger, and a much better person in tranversing this crazy journey called life.
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