Thursday, November 23, 2006

oNcE aGaiN. . .

i've decided to bring back my bLogspot to Life,,, once again.. since this is my worLd and i own it, nobody's aLLowed to mess with me here.. i'm free, i can do whatever i want in here.. and i can taLk about anything in here... so yeah! i'm back... oNcE aGaiN!!!

--- mixed and random ---

* United States of America - the Land of the free... home of the brave... what eLse couLd u ask for? Living here for aLmost 2 years (gosh! how time fLies so fast!), i've Learned a Lot of things... and i am stiLL Learning everyday... do i regret coming here? of course not! but if i was rich, i wouLd never even think of coming here... Life is hard in here.. dude! i cannot even feeL weekends anymore! everything's in such a fast mode, it's Like time is not enough...

* "there is no such thing as free Lunch.. unLess, of course, someone wiLL pay it for you..." - yes! this is soooo true.. you want something, you gotta work for it.. gas prices are sooo high that you wouLd just want to take the train... connection of train and Lunch? i don't know... haha
* "doesn't matter what you do in Life, what matters the most is how you enjoyed and Lived your Life..." - this is one of the things i personaLLy agree to... as Long as im happy, be it! whatever!
* "there is nothing impossibLe to him who wiLL try..." - schooL is sooo FUN!!! im getting A's... haha
* "no one can make you feeL inferior without your consent..." - don't hate me because im smart.. and beautifuL... hahaha =D
* "never accept a C grade for it wiLL cause heartaches..." - got a C for my 1st essay.. oh you don't want to know my reaction... i was pLanning on dropping the cLass.. geezz!! but thanks to my HSG, kept me going!!!

* i HATE expectations... i hate it when peopLe expect something from me..
* i HATE pressure... i don't Like it when peopLe are pressuring me.. imagine: shopping and someone's timing you.. how crueL can that be? aight?
* i Love getting hugs and gifts.. speaking of which,,, my birthday's coming soon!!! haha
* i miss my best friends sooo much.. i'LL do anything to be with them again... they come 3rd on my priorities...
* proven by me: oLder peopLe are great friends.. they watch you, take care of you and spoiL you... that's why i Love my chichays...
* cross your fingers too: i'm #54 at the waiting List for my anatomy cLass.. hopefuLLy i get in..
* sLeeping is stiLL my #1 hobby...

so yeah, i'LL be updating this once in a whiLe... join me as i continue Living in this worLd for the quest of one true happiness...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hon??bt gnun dumugo iLong kO??wahehe..wLa bAng traNsLator??hehehe..hhhmmmm..hOw i wiSh gnYn n dn aQ wahehe..grABe cOngraTs Gleng gLeng mu nMn hon at puRo A GradE mu..dats Gud tO read ahehe xe d Q maN riNig eh nabaSa q wahehe..hhmm..uR getiN fat hehe i meaN my laMan kn hon..aQ wLA pdn i likE ur haiR uNga aLmosT 2yeArs kn jaN tsk miSs nkTa!!mkPunTa nGa jaN wahehe wishAwish..adVance haPpy bOitDey hoN!!!