Thursday, April 30, 2009


sorry! but i just have to Let this out (rant/vent/scream/yeLL) before i sLeep... so i can sLeep peacefuLLy!...


ok maybe im at fauLt at some part... but DUDE!!! as far as i know... i made myseLf perfectLy cLear about our FRiENDSHiP since the very beginning! GOSH!!! im speechLess! because i treated you as a friend... a good friend! i even toLd you stuffs! & here i am, ALL THiS FREAKiN' TiMe, thinking that we ARE JUST FRiENDS!!! but u gave a different meaning to everything...

&&& now, im the bad girL!... ako yung masama kasi i misLead you... susme!!! ewan ko!!!

"chocoLate is said to contain phenyLethyLamine, the same chemicaL your brain produces when you faLL in Love.. magchocoLate na Lang tayo,,, hindi pa masakit sa dibdib!!.."
--> yeah! chocoLate na Lang taLaga... hindi pa maguLo!!!

*** right now... i wanna go to a target shooting range... to bLow off some steam! haha ***

Thursday, April 23, 2009

MY "TO DO" LiST...

i want to do Lots of things... especiaLLy right now that im not that busy... but sometimes (or most of the time),,, i get Lazy... so, im making a List... i don't know if this wiLL heLp... but who knows!!!... &&& anyone who's up for the things i wanna do, hit me up... maybe we can do it together... motivate each other... hehe

im caLLing this MY "TO DO" LiST... no definite time frame... no pressure, coz i don't Like pressure... but hopefuLLy i get to do them soon... Like SOON SOON... not my kinda SOON... coz my kinda SOON is weird! haha

*** these are subject to change without prior notice ***

1. START MY PROJECT - it's been postponed & deLayed for aLmost two weeks now... *sigh*
2. EXERCiSE - work out those six packs & do some cardio... haha in my dreams! LiteraLLy, they're onLy in my dreams... my sister & i wiLL aLways taLk about our exercise routine (when we'LL do it, where we'LL do it...),,, but we aLways end up just taLking about it... haha aLthough, our bestfriend said it's aLready a progress that we're taLking about it!... hahaha
3. RE-READ 'ANGELS & DEMONS' - before the movie comes out!
4. GO SKYDiViNG/BUNGEE JUMPiNG/CLiFF DiViNG - i guess anything risky but fun!!! something that wiLL give me the "rush"... i wanna try it!
5. MAKE A MUSiC ViDEO WiTH MY BECH-ES - yes! we've been pLanning on this for some time now... &&& we're thinking of doing SingLe Ladies by Beyonce... hahaha
6. GAiN WEiGHT - im trying!!! reaLLy... =P
7. FiX MY CLOSET - im not reaLLy sure when THiS wiLL happen... hahaha
8. LEARN HOW TO COOK - hopefuLLy it's not too Late... &&& hopefuLLy i Learn... that's the thing - iF i Learn!!!
9. PLANT A TREE - i've pLanted before, during grade schooL & high schooL... but not a tree... & they aLL died... so, maybe not just pLant a tree... --> GROW A TREE!
10. MEET GEORGE CLOONEY!!! - my dream!... hehehe

FYi::: there reaLLy is a course about "underwater basket weaving"... fascinating isn't it?! ^_^

ps::: more to come, im sure... i'LL get to it when my brain's working good... coz right now, im sLeepy... hehe so good night/good morning!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


i have a thing for naiL poLish right now... it's my current addiction... 

Last saturday, i went with my dad to CVS to get some stuffs... i know that for sure i'm gonna get a new naiL poLish... so i went to the naiL poLish section... OMG!!! they have good seLection!!! they have a Lot of SH brand too! i think i stood there for Like 30 minutes trying to figure out what coLor to get... & i think i wouLd have stood there Longer, but my dad caLLed me... *sigh* & he was compLaining how Long it took me to choose... then today, i went to waLmart... & again, i got Lost in the naiL poLish aisLe...

its bad, bad, bad... knowing that i have enough naiL poLish aLready... but then!!! standing in front of those coLorfuL beautifuL things... i was wishing i couLd pick one of each coLor!!! hahaha =D totaLLy!!! seriousLy!!!

hmmm... oh weLL... i guess that's my girLy side kicking in! hehe

Friday, April 10, 2009


i said that today... i wiLL start my new project...

i had a Lazy moment earLier, but decided to pursue it...

i started my preparation at 1 PM...

then, when i was about 15 minutes away to reaLLy starting it...

i found out that our camera is somewhere not at home!

(*hint* ::: yes! my new project needs a camera...)

taLk about hoLd ups... hahaha

so, i guess it wiLL have to wait...

but!!! i wiLL stiLL do it... hehehe ^_^

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


i wiLL be working on a project... ^_^

personaL project that is...

it's new, because i've never done it before...

and hopefuLLy, i won't be Lazy & totaLLy pursue it...

im uber excited! aLso hoping it works out...

target start date/day::: thursday - 4/9...

cross fingers! >_<

COMiNG SOON!!! weeeeeee

Thursday, April 02, 2009

... bLogging ...

it's been a big and Long roLLer coaster ride for the past month... not that i hate roLLer coasters (but i do hate that one ride at knott's berry farm = ghost rider)... haha but i guess i can compare the things that's been going on with me to a roLLer coaster... mostLy though, it's Like the part of the ride where aLL the hoops & twists come... & honestLy, i don't think the ride's over yet... 

so here i am, bLogging... at the night of apriL fooL's... hehe (i didn't get to pLay a prank to anyone today!) i can't beLieve it's aLready apriL... spring break's coming!!! yaaayy!!! &&& we're going to SF!!! wooohooo! i sooo need that! even though it's just for four days... stiLL, its something far from aLL these...

TV SERiES UPDATE::: im hooked to CSI Las Vegas right now... im trying to watch aLL seasons, starting from season 1... & yes, its one of the things that keeps me busy... hahaha im aLso watching DWTS! im sad because my handsome Dmitry got booted off (he is REALLY handsome!)... on the other hand, GiLLes is stiLL on... &&& he's HOT! uber hot! he's good too! >_<>

ok, enough with the TV series update... =P

i'm currentLy an anti-phone... & have been for the past two weeks, i beLieve... some of my friends even caLL it as a restraining order for my own phone... haha they're even petitioning that i Lift the restraining order... hahaha im touched! fLattered even... a shout out to those petitioning::: "don't worry you guys... i feeL that the restraining order wiLL be Lifted soon! haha"

i want to share this short conversation i had with a friend at FB... it was her response to my status... "... na ang chaLLenge pa dun on your part eh pano mo ieexpLain sa kaniLa yun, without going through aLL the emotionaL drama... pero in the end, yun nga, ikaw padin ang LaLabas na masama, nakasakit!" *sigh* enough said...

on the brighter side... i haven't had redbuLL for a month! haha! cLap cLap! hehe >_<

FOOD CRAViNGS::: frozen yogurt! oh & my sister introduced me to cupcakes... oh! they're soooo cute & sooo good too! haha funneL cake too! been craving for one... i know they're aLL junk foods... eh? they make me happy! hehe >_<

LastLy... i Love naiL poLish!!! if i couLd change the coLors of my naiLs everyday, that wiLL be great! but then it takes time... ooohhh but i Love coLors!!! so, my current thing = naiL poLish!!! im trying to buiLd an empire of naiL poLish! haha =D i mean, im trying to coLLect Lots of different coLors that i Like... saLLy hansen is a good brand... stiLL, checking out some stuffs... but yes, its my current thing... it takes my mind off of things... =)

MOOD::: as of right now... im anxious about some stuffs... sad about a certain thing... reLieved that i got something out... happy i received a 20 from my dad... in short = nawiwindang ako!!! =/

weLL... weLL... i guess that's it for now... ciao!