Sunday, May 25, 2008


"this is the Last time i wiLL cry for you... because i can't do this anymore... because i am not that girL, & i don't wanna be that girL... because its unheaLthy... and because i wanna be a better person... and, so that next time we see each other, it wiLL be you who wiLL feeL crappy... JOKE! hehehe but yeah, this is it... im Letting go... im Letting go aLL my hopes, aLL my dreams, & aLL my day dreams with you... &&& im reaLLy gLad to see that you're doing great...

Let's aLL be happy... Life is too short to dweLL on sadness...

{totaLLy disconnected... random...} we shouLd aLL joing forces and not buy gas at those top Leading oiL companies (Like sheLL - which by the way had their reguLar gas at $4.19! watf??? aLso chevron, BP, exxon, & mobiL)... we can Lower gas prices if we act together hehe

LastLy,,, worLd peace meyn!!!"

ps::: now who wouLd be so kind as to treat me to Kabuki's tempura ice cream? hehehehe it couLd be your support gift for me! hehehe Let me know... ^_^