Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2007 - 2008

~ Juz a few of my discoveries (that i remembered) in 2007...
1. choco-dipped carameL popcorn are one of the most awesome inventions ever!
2. One More Chance is a great movie... (top 1 pinoy movie of 2007)
3. forgetting ur keys inside the car for the first time is freaky! but expect it to happen again... hahaha
4. doing micro Lab journaLs the day before finaLs is soooooo NOT a good idea!
5. Chris Brown is a berry good dancer... &&& he's onLy wat? 18???
6. Gossip GirL is the new MUST-SEE TV show besides Grey's Anatomy...
7. "CLOSURE" - everybody needs cLosure...
8. im stiLL Looking for my "pErsOn"...
9. i can paint! =P
10. PiNESEE = u guys are the best!!! & amishoo aLready!!!
11. apoLogize by TimbaLand = top 1 song of 2007
12. one of the greatest Lesson::: "but now faith, hope, Love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is Love."
13. some peopLe may not be the person you had hope they were... =(
14. found out that i trust peopLe berry fast... but some peopLe break it faster!
15. "truth hurts... but its worth hearing - so that once & for aLL matauhan ka!" -tekim
16. Kabuki = top 1 restaurant of 2007
17. sometimes, we hope for the one we can't have... even if they hurted us at one point... bakit kaya?
18. frozen yogurt with fresh fruits = top 1 "make-me-happy" dessert!
19. my famiLy makes me str...D
20. i turned 20! psshh =P

~ a new beginning... something to Look forward!
2 - spring break at NY
0 - Nursing Program
0 - Learning how to use chopsticks
8 - magic! fireworks! LOVE!