Wednesday, May 30, 2007


it's been a whiLe... i don't have much things going on to write in here that's why no new post... but right now,,, i want to teLL the whoLe worLd what im thinking, what im feeLing & most especiaLLy i want this to be a warning... haha =D

to someone::: YOU are definiteLy not cLoseLy reLated to me, not my cLose friend nor even my boyfriend... so don't act Like one!!! STOP teLLing me what i shouLd or shouLdn't do! STOP bugging me!!! STOP caLLing me every now and then... STOP acting Like what you're acting because... YOU ARE SCARiNG ME!!! you're giving me the creeps!!! & i DON'T Like it, very much!!! but thanks for being nice and aLL, its just that i think you are heading too cLose to the "Line"... if we can be the way we were before, that wouLd be great, no weird stuffs & no YOU caLLing me every... now... and... then... im saying this not to hurt you nor to make you feeL bad... i just want to CLEAR stuffs even before it goes too far,,, out of controL... u know... i don't want to feeL bad as weLL ignoring you (because you are scarring me..), but you Leave me no choice... so yeah, if you couLd step back some more, that wouLd be greatLy appreciated... ^_^ remember, i don't intend to hurt you or anything... just making myseLf cLear! ok?

nyhoo,,, Life is stiLL the same... no fairy taLes,,, just YET! but stiLL hoping & beLieving... there's a Lot of new movies coming & thank God, so far i am updated... haha =D Life has never been better for me... tough times came but survived... schooL wise, God's hearing my prayers... im staying focus on my goaL which is reaLLy reaLLy good! =) i have a week vacation Left before summer cLass starts... (better make the most out of it)! but yeah, im taking summer cLass... kinda scared not because of what im taking but because......... just because... haha =D