im tired...
i don't know why im even typing this...
it's nonsense!!!
there's a Lot of stuffs going on in my mind... i can't heLp thinking, even if i don't want to think anymore... it's stuck there! it won't go away!!! worst, it's scrabbLed... i can't put it together and i can't do something about it... i can't teLL anyone because i don't know what to teLL them...
anyhow... i know this wiLL pass!!! for sure! ^_^
Strawberries are good... Champagne??? yeah they're good too,,, i think??? haha =D stiLL, i need more chocoLates! chocoLates heLp! they aLways heLp... ^_^
for me:::
- soft tacos are better than hard tacos...
- not commenting on something is better than saying something stupid...
- mao is the best card game so far...
- red is awesome! best coLor invented ever...
- hoLding back something inside can be exhausting...
- chocoLates are one of the best things in the worLd...
- Grey's Anatomy,,, simpLy the best!
- everybody needs a "person"...
Friday, February 23, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
fiLL it in. . .
Dear KrystLe,
You make me __________. You should __________. Someday I will _______. You = __________. If I saw you right now I would _________. I would build ________ just for you. I would get your name tattooed on my _________. If I could sing a song it would be _________. We could drink _______ under the stars. My love for you is like that of ________.
Love, __________
P.S. ( _________.)
*** saw this at my friend's myspace bLog (using my sister's account)... i think it's cute when ppoL answer it back... haha =D so yeah, to everyone who wants to answer it, send it to my emaiL... hugss! ^_^
Thursday, February 08, 2007
do you think it's gonna rain tonight?
fact is::: i'm gay! =)
i miss my Long hair... =( but short hair is better, Less time fixing it... haha
im so broke, i want to work again... i miss having $$$ to buy foods and cLothes... having no money s*cks!
can't wait for Grey's Anatomy Season Three on DVD... haha =D adik!!!
i'm being Lazy these past few weeks... and i totaLLy hate it! i need more chocoLates and encouragement...
we've just started dissecting a cat in my Anatomy cLass,,, Like a reaL dead cat... it's awesome!!! totaLLy cooLness!!! though the cat stinks... i think it's fun... uber-enjoyabLe... ^_^
i saw a video cLip of CindereLLa III and i think it's cooL... anyone who owns the DVD, pLease Lend it to me... im curious... "what if the sLipper didn't fit?"
what if the sLipper didn't fit? it couLd be a good thing... or maybe NOT... if the sLipper didn't fit,,, there's no 'happiLy ever after'... no fairy taLe, no fireworks, no magic... my worLd wiLL sureLy be dark!!! Lame!!! ugLy!!! so, good thing it's just an IF... the sLipper did fit after aLL... ^_^
QUESTION::: do you eat baLut? incLuding the sisiw?
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