Wednesday, January 24, 2007


"the greatest thing you'LL ever Learn is just to Love and be Loved in return." - Christian of Moulin Rouge >>> we wait... and wait... and wait... even if it takes forever, we keep on waiting... even if we know that sometimes we're waiting for nothing, for no one...

"surgeons are controL freaks. with a scaLpeL in your hand you feeL unstoppabLe." - Meredith of Grey's Anatomy >>> who cares! i stiLL want to be a surgeon... haha =D i can see myseLf hoLding a scaLpeL and saving someone's Life... that is just GREAT!!! ^_^

first week of cLass = DONE! aLL the get-to-know-your-teacher-and-cLassmates stuff is DONE... honestLy, i actuaLLy freaked out Last friday because of my Anatomy cLass... it's overwheLming! but yeah, im surviving it... the freaking-out part is over! for now, im concentrating... eLiminating the bad thoughts and just doing my best... ^_^

super duper great-EST news::: i saw my Last term's finaL exam on Math... the test was worth 200 points... ok enough said! you figure out the rest and why it's the super duper great-EST news... i don't want to be the big headed here... hahaha =D but yeah, im GLAD!!! ^_^ FYI though::: i didn't get 200 points...

fact::: once more He proved to me that even if i don't ask for things verbaLLy, He Listens to my heart and He gives it to me in the right time... when i Least expect it!

more facts::: patience is a virtue... no need to rush because it wiLL aLL come to you in the right time, right pLace, right day and the right moment... ^_^ Learn to trust... as they aLways say, trust is Like a vase... once broken, though you can fix it, the vase wiLL never be the same again... =] disguising is fun... smiLe even if the whoLe worLd is on your shouLder... it heLps make stuffs easier, funnier and Lighter... =D

i can't faLL in Love with anyone.................................. wait!!! did i say CAN'T??? gosh! what is wrong with me??? haha =D this is funny!!! anyway, this is NOT an impLication that i AM currentLy in Love with someone nor i am NOT in Love with someone... get it? but yeah, to y'aLL peopLe... it's ugLy! totaLLy ugLy to say something NICE to someone then vanish! *poof* it became koko krunch! not the LiteraL vanish, vanish... but just vanish... seriousLy?!? Like seriousLy?!?! seriousLy... i just don't get it!!!

FINE... over and out! ^_^

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

new year...


here i am,,, again,,, speaking my heart out... weLL reaLLy, i just don't want the first day of the new year pass by without posting something even if it's nonsense... haha

~im expecting my Laptop tomorrow... hopefuLLy UPS won't Let me down... haha =D
~i miss New Year in the PhiLippines, it's totaLLy different! it's Louder, noisier, messier, and the best!
~i ate a Lot this hoLiday, especiaLLy crab...
hoping it adds up to my weight (cross fingers)... hehe

my new years' resoLution: to be a better person in aLL aspects of Life...

"i may not be that good of a person Last year, i may have done a Lot of seLfish things, and i may have hurt a Lot of peopLe... beLieve me, i know! but it's the new year, a new start, a new beginning... a time where you Leave the past behind and make it as a strong buiLding bLocks of your future... others may think differentLy as i do, some may not even understand it, but it's the mystery of Life... it's what makes Living in this worLd exciting... for now, i just want to be happy... happier..."