Friday, August 26, 2005

beLieve me,,, it's nonsense... hahaha ^_^

it's been a whiLe since my Last post here... (waLa pa nga atang sense yung huLi eh) it's just that nothing extraordinary happened or anything that i shouLd taLk about... Life seems to be,,, simpLe... yeah,,, fun (madami kasing gmick)... but its stiLL not the same... peopLe are sLowLy fading away... i don't know why but it seems Like they are... weird i guess,,, 'coz i may be the onLy one thinking of these stuff... ahhh basta,,, i therefore concLude...

~ that my Life right now was kinda compLicated & hard... it's not the same as before... i have to hide my feeLings and thoughts because nobody wouLd understand (makadagdag pa sa stress)... i dunno! weirdiness ito! ~

+#+ oi mga ppoL,,, juz want u to know na buhay pa ko... & i shaLL return! kaya sa mga nakakaLimot,,, Lagot kayo pag baLik ko... hahahaha =D +#+